Update from DA-HelpCreator released
Version 2.6.8 of the DA-HelpCreator is now available for download. The update is free for existing customers. New is the export of the help project via command line. This means that the DA-HelpCreator can now also be automatically integrated into a CI environment.
The update can be easily downloaded from our homepage or via the update function of the software.
How does it work?
In the program folder, there is a new exporter .exe for the export:
The exporter must have 3 parameters:
- Path to the project
- path to the export
- for HTML export folder without trailing \
- for CHM export folder + filename
- type of export: html or chm (case sensitive)
Export HTML
Example of export as HTML page:
HelpCreatorExporter.exe "c:\_temp\project\help_daformmaker_de.helpcreator" "c:\_temp\out" html
Export CHM
HelpCreatorExporter.exe "c:\_temp\project\help_daformmaker_de.helpcreator" "c:\_temp\out\help.chm" chm